Our Service Solutions

Credit Report: The Credit Bureau of T&T provides our members (financial institutions and individuals) with credit profiles and assessments for any person, firm or company on which information is available in its database. Our database on credit worthiness is comprised of over 750,000+ records and is as current as possible, due to the exchange of information between members and the Bureau, as well as AVK’s divisional databases. Individuals and businesses can request a search of our Credit Bureau database which will produce a Credit Report.
Reducing your administrative workload while fulfilling your obligations is just one of the many challenges businesses face. Our services help to minimise risk and boost corporate results, proactively avoiding bad losses by enabling you to ensure your sales and get sufficient cover on time. From text messages and soft calls that seamlessly interface with your own in-house communications, to a series of custom pre-collection letters on our letterhead, we work with you to accomplish your accounts receivables objectives. For more on this - request a meeting here.